Sunday, December 28, 2008

New Year in Japan

New Year is a big celebration in Japan. Holidays have already begun and people travel to spend time with their families.

According to my local friends the special meaning of this season  is to have a fresh new start for the year with the past 105 sins being redeemed. People go to temples to pray and pay their respects in order to be cleansed from the sins of the passing year.

Enough food is prepared to last for 4 days so that no cooking is required during the celebration. Previously it used to be a big effort to prepare all the different dishes beforehand but these days people buy them from stores. Prices can vary from several thousands to hundreds of thousands yens. 

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas in Japan

Christmas is over here in Japan. Since this is not a Christian country people work through the holidays with the exception of the 23rd of December being a national holiday due to the emperors birthday.

The true meaning of Christmas celebrated as the rememberance of the birth of Jesus Christ is not known. Here the illusion of Christmas is created by department stores and other markets starting from October with most activities revolving around buying and selling. The most famous Christmas songs are continuously resounding at shopping centers.

The Christmas menu for a Japanese must include roasted chicken and the Christmas Cake that are sold everywhere from the most expensive stores to the conveinience stores lining the streets.

The holidays for the end of the year festives have just begun...

Life in Japan

Welcome to my new blog!

"Life in Japan" is a about everyday life in Japan as seen trough the eyes of an expat. Beautiful scenery, everyday joys and challenges, and funny experiences will be included.

This coming year will be my 7th year living in this country. You are invited to share the exitement and frustrations alike that come along when living in a culture that is not ones own.